• Credit Score

    Credit score

    When you go to apply for a mortgage, your credit score. will have an impact on the lender’s decision. This is because it’s a snapshot of your financial history. It shows how well you have maintained payment’s on loan’s, credit card’s, mortgages, utility bills, and more.

    We require a copy of your credit report if there is any adverse credit history. This could include missed payment’s, defaults, county court judgments (CCJ’s), Individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs), and debt management plans (DMPs).

    Even if you aren’t aware of any credit issues, It can be handy to obtain a copy of your report prior to submitting a mortgage application. Your credit report will give you a rating and a number of potential improvement’s that can be made to boost your credit score. It will also have any linked addresses and links to other people.

    Checking your credit report allows you to check all the information on your report. Most credit reference agencies come with a free trial period.

    List of potential credit reference agencies (Provide your credit score)

    Checkmyfile will list all information from Callcredit, Equifax, and Experian.

    Try it FREE for 30 days, then £14.99 a month; cancel online anytime

    “This list is not exhaustive, and you are not obliged to use these suggestions.”

    “Fees may vary depending on the credit reference agency you use”.

    If you have concerns about your possibility of getting a mortgage due to your credit history, obtain a copy of your report and contact us today. If you would like further information on mortgages for clients with adverse credit history. Click here.

    If you would like to find out more about the services we offer, please visit the mortgage & other services or Protection pages.

    If you would like to see what our clients are saying about us, please visit our testimonial page.